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Open Note Quiz: Galaxy & Big bang Theory  

OPEN NOTE QUIZ: Big Bang Theory & Galaxy


1. A light year is a unit of measurement that would appropriately be used to measure which of the following distances?

a. Between The Sun and the Earth

b. Between the Milky Way and the next closest galaxy

c. Between Earth and Jupiter

d. Between The Sun and Pluto

2.In which galaxy do we live in?

a. The Great Spiral Galaxy

b. Andromeda Galaxy

c. Milky Way Galaxy

d. Local Group Galaxy

Answer questions 3,4, and 5 with these types of galaxies

A. Irregular Galaxy B. Spiral Galaxy C. Elliptical Galaxy


3. Which galaxy above has no definite shape?


4.Which galaxy above is oval and has a nucleus of bright stars?


5. Which galaxy above is spherical (flattened discs)


6. Galaxies are different from solar systems because they are made up of

a. billions of stars

b. gas giant planets

c. Billions of planets

d. mostly gas clouds

7. What support do scientists use to explain the start of the universe?

a. From the stars colliding into each other creating the Big Bang

b. From the composition of stars and gases and the motion of galaxies in the universe

c. From the movement of the planets and the position of the Sun

d. From the composition of stars

8.Why do astronomers use light years instead of conventional numbers when referring to distances in space?

A. Conventional numbers are too large to work with.

B. Because distances in space are too large, conventional numbers would be too hard to work with.

C. Light years provide more accurate data.

D. Because light cannot travel through mediums, only empty space.

9.Which picture below illustrates an elliptical galaxy?




10.In a galaxy, what holds the stars, dust, and gases together?

A. light

B. radiation

C. gravity

D. black holes



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Click File Manager for the list of students with missing assignments.

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22 August 2017,Tuesday using MasteryConnect

Pre-Test in Science for Grade 7 & 8 using MasteryConnect  

Quiz & Test Reminder  

                         Days for Formative Quizzing: ----Tuesday & Friday

                         Frequency of Open Note Assessment: ---2 per week (Monday & Wednesday)

                         Bi-Monthly Test Dates: ----every Friday

                         Project Dates: ----TBA

                         TE21 Exams/BenchMarks (Quarter Tests) : date is to be announced ; usually administered 2 weeks before grades are due.

